THE BUBBLE BUS : le nouveau kids club de la Principauté

Vous connaissez mon intérêt pour le développement de l’enfant et son éducation. Alors quelle belle surprise j’ai eu lorsque j’ai entendu parler de ce kids club, THE BUBBLE BUS. D’abord, j’ai adoré l’histoire de cette maman de deux petits garçons, qui lors du confinement lié au COVID, eut l’idée de faire appel à une tutrice … Continue Reading

The good mood address !

These days, I wanted an address that puts the balm in the heart!  It’s only been a month since Alice Blanchy and Leslie Bus opened this new concept in the heart of Condamine. You can practice pilates and different styles of yoga: from Yin Yoga, gentle and meditative to Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, more dynamic … Continue Reading

The adress to spin to all moms !

I take this holiday to tell you about an address that is particularly close to my heart. An address that develops creativity, imagination and self-confidence. An address for children but also for parents! This is the Virginie Workshop. It was my friend Claire who sent me her contact details because they are very good friends. … Continue Reading

The most “British” address in Monaco

Who does not know Cambridge International Education? We all had in our hands books, exercise books signed by Cambridge Press. I wanted to know more about what the Cambrige International Education brings to Stéphanie Ayre, the founder of la Petite Ecole Monaco Montessori which has just been certified Cambridge. Being trained by Cambridge International Education … Continue Reading