The addresses that will make you love back to work

Monaco, we left you this summer! We needed to rest our ears and breath without sweating. Happy to leave but also happy to come back, to find the habits where everything is close and handy. Every September it is a new beginning: new organization, new timetable and new resolutions. It is also needed to finalize … Continue Reading

5 books for holidays

Finally, I leave for holidays! I prepare my luggage prepare the luggage of all the family and I do not forget to slide in it the “crush” books advised by Nathalie and Ghisaline, our dear librarians of the Library   Louis   Notari.   I   spent   some   time   with   them   and   here   is   what   they   offer   as   some   … Continue Reading

The most Colombian of summer evenings

I have never been to Colombia but I discovered it through art: music and painting. I love the paintings of Fernando Botero and by the way some of his works will be exhibited in a few days at the Bartoux Gallery in the Principality. But back on topic ! This famous “land of Sabrosura” evening … Continue Reading

3 good reasons to go to KOMO Monaco

Vous savez combien j’aime le quartier de la Condamine et combien il se transforme avec ses nouvelles boutiques, ses façades typiques du sud. Cela faisait quelques mois que le 18 de la rue de Millo était en travaux alors j’avais hate de voir le résultat ! et c’est chose faite ! KOMO MONACO a vu … Continue Reading