What a patio !

This summer when I was showing friends of Houston the new version of the iconic Hôtel de Paris, we had the pleasant surprise of discovering Le Patio. I had already seen it but in a non-animated version. But there were tables and armchairs to welcome us and we were able to take advantage of this … Continue Reading

Don’t miss the show !

Le week end prochain est un long week end ! Et à Monaco seulement ! En effet, le jour de l’Immaculée Conception tombant un dimanche, lundi est férié ! Ce sera top pour profiter du village de Noel ainsi que des chalets Christmas Promenade MC Shopping. La patinoire aussi ouvrira ses portes. Ce sera un … Continue Reading

CARLO APP : a new way of shopping in Monaco !

I started using apps on my iphone not too long ago. I’m still faithful to the paper but I admit that some applications are very practical or economic! It was when I discovered the Carlo app that I realized it. Carlo is the first mobile application that rewards you for your purchases made in a … Continue Reading

The must see Boutique Hotel in MC

I rediscovered this hotel recently. I already loved it and its renovation sublimated the place. The Columbus Hotel! I remember I invited candidates when I was HR for a Family Office located in the perimeter. Their lounge was and is ideal for appointments, to work alone or to have a coffee. So I’m happy to … Continue Reading