Don’t miss the show !

Le week end prochain est un long week end ! Et à Monaco seulement ! En effet, le jour de l’Immaculée Conception tombant un dimanche, lundi est férié ! Ce sera top pour profiter du village de Noel ainsi que des chalets Christmas Promenade MC Shopping. La patinoire aussi ouvrira ses portes. Ce sera un … Continue Reading

CARLO APP : a new way of shopping in Monaco !

I started using apps on my iphone not too long ago. I’m still faithful to the paper but I admit that some applications are very practical or economic! It was when I discovered the Carlo app that I realized it. Carlo is the first mobile application that rewards you for your purchases made in a … Continue Reading

The must see Boutique Hotel in MC

I rediscovered this hotel recently. I already loved it and its renovation sublimated the place. The Columbus Hotel! I remember I invited candidates when I was HR for a Family Office located in the perimeter. Their lounge was and is ideal for appointments, to work alone or to have a coffee. So I’m happy to … Continue Reading

The addresses that will make you love back to work

Monaco, we left you this summer! We needed to rest our ears and breath without sweating. Happy to leave but also happy to come back, to find the habits where everything is close and handy. Every September it is a new beginning: new organization, new timetable and new resolutions. It is also needed to finalize … Continue Reading